11 August 2011

Three friendlies with ten Barça players

Roger Bogunyà
Valdes, Pique, Busquets, Iniesta, Thiago, Pedro, Villa, Alves, Abidal, and Alexis are the ten Barça players who, this Wednesday evening, are playing with their national teams.
Three friendlies with ten Barça players
Today Barça doesn’t have a game, but almost. Ten of the club’s international players have international commitments this Wednesday evening with their respective national teams. They are divided between 3 top level friendlies: Italy v Spain, Germany v Brazil, and France v Chile. 

Italy-Spain: match between recent World Champions 
In Bari (20.45, TVE) the match with most Barça representation will be played. Up to seven Barça players will face Italy on the day that Thiago, who was born in Bari, might make his debut with the Spanish National side. The game comes loaded with symbolism: the last two world champions (Italy 2006 and Spain 2010) are playing against each other. 

Germany-Brazil: an 8 star friendly 
Alves is the eighth Barça player who has a game on Wednesday. His team, Brazil, are in Stuttgart (20.45) in a game that brings together 2 teams who have won 8 world titles. It’s worth remembering that Alves, who took part in the recent Copa America, is the only player who has not yet trained under the direction of Josep Guardiola this preseason. 

France-Chile: Abidal and Alexis face to face 
The third great international match brings together France and Chile (21.00), each team including a Barça player. Abidal, the French left back, and Alexis, the Chilean right wing, could be facing each other, often, in Montpellier, if coaches Laurent Blanc and Claudio Borghi give them minutes on the pitch.

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