1 October 2011

Rooney reveals Man Utd using Barcelona defensive methods in games

Sat, 10/01/2011

Manchester United striker Wayne Rooney admits they've followed Barcelona's example by increasing their workrate when defending.

United have lost two of the last three Champions League finals to the Catalan giants.

Now, when it comes to training, it is a case of: If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Rooney said: "I think when you watch Barcelona a lot of people go on about their passing and the skills and how they keep the ball.

"But, for me, when they lose the ball, how quickly they all defend and try and win the ball back, that's the biggest asset they've got I think.

"They win it back so many times in the opponents' half and attack from there, so we've started trying to bring that into our game and thankfully that's started paying off for us."

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